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🔴 Fundraising methods applied are spontaneous decisions made by a few senior individuals and not necessarily driven by deep strategic thinking. The reasons for such choices are not well known
Poorly developed: Spontaneous choices made by a few individual and not necessarily ...
🟠Fundraising methods applied are based on budgetary conditions and policies (limited to brand risk mitigation alone) mandated by management/board
Under developed: Fundraising choices made are possibly short- term decisions and ha...
🟡 Fundraising methods/channels applied are conscious choices made based on market condition (e.g. what kind of money is possible to raise)
Developing: Fundraising choices made are based on best case possible options, but n...
🟢 Fundraising methods applied are derived out of proper organisational long-term financing plan, and by ensuring that various types of available resources are tapped optimally
Highly developed: Advance systems and process exist for creating fundraising plans ...
🔴 Fundraisers are mostly freshers with no strong similar experience
Poorly developed: Require leadership - attention to instil greater capacity in the team. Ref...
🟠Fundraisers have some prior similar experience
Under developed: Demands attention on development of the team. Reflection: Can we hire ...
🟡 Fundraisers are mostly from other fields of work and dedicate some time to fundraising work
Developing: Refining the team structure around specific fundraising tasks and related skills wi...
🟢 Highly diverse and experienced fundraising team with average 5 years or more working experience
Highly developed: A team of diverse strength and capacity exists. Reflection: No response...
🔴 Only 1 type of fundraising is predominant for the past 3 years
Poorly developed: Unidimensional fundraising sources. Reflection: Our policies...
🟠Highly dependent on limited funders, largely of similar type
Under developed: Lack of diversity in fundraising portfolio. Reflection: Focus ...
🟡 More than 3 types of fundraising methods are operational and all of them contribute to our revenue
Fairly developed: Multiple types of fundraising sources contribute to revenue. Refle...
🟢 Diversified funding and potentially insulated from market instabilities
Highly developed: Strong diversity in fundraising portfolio. Reflection: No res...
🔴 Lack of clarity on organisational culture and hence not defined or evolved in fundraising function as well
Poorly developed: Absence of effort for a certain kind of culture to prevail in the...
🟠Fundraising staffs are held together by formal rules and policies and operates professionally and smoothly
Under developed: Formal guidelines or rules dictate behaviour, and outcomes are sat...
🟡 Fundraising staffs are driven by a commitment to innovation and development, and the emphasis is on being cutting edge. Team management style is characterised by hard-driving competitivenes
Developing: Team is hard core professionals and are driven by material achievements...
🟢 Fundraising staffs are held together by loyalty, mutual trust, and an unwavering commitment. Team management style is characterised by teamwork, consensus, and participation
Highly developed: Fundraisers are held together by strong bonds. Professional commi...
🔴 Lots of uncertainty over monthly cash-flow
High risk: Does not have strong sight to cash-flow situation mostly. Reflection: Ca...
🟠We have cash-flow sight for a very short period - maybe 2 quarters; beyond that we have no idea on future cash-flow
Poorly developed: Have cash-flow sight for a short period and is inadequate for financial p...
🟡 We work around annual cash-flow and the same is linked solely with grants we have acquired
Developing: Have clear sight but may not always be accurate. Reflection: No immedia...
🟢 Our monthly cash-flow is predictable and consistent
Highly developed: No difficulty in predicting cash-flow. Reflection: No immediate r...