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🟠Choice is determined by Board directives or leadership suggestions - not necessarily guided by evidence-based decisions
Under developed: Fundraising decisions are mostly top driven and may also be limited to individuals exclusively responsible for raising funds.
ExamineDevelop statedconceptual organisationclarity on pros and culturecons andof practicedvarious behaviour.types of fundraising, to make conscious choices from hereon.
DesignThe top twenty revenue generating charities of the world practice multiple types of fundraising methods and conductnot internalnecessarily surveysdepend toon develop1 actionor plan2 foralone? improvement.Why so?
- How can
developmentwe ofraise amore certainunrestricted culturefunds inthat awill teamstrengthen enablethe betterorganisation andmost, strongerbut performance. are Isvery this a sensitive subjectdifficult to be discussed? Is this seen as uneconomic and not as a priority?
No response required as we a process in place to inspire and regulate desired behaviour within the team.raise?
- Others -
ConductDevelop anew culturefundraising assessmentchannels exerciseparticularly andto createfund anorganisational alignmentdevelopment pathway on findings.needs.
CreateBuild betteran standardsadditional andcess processesin grant budgets to initiallycover regulatefor andunmet therebyorganisational inspire desired behaviour gradually.expenses.
No actions are required as we are deeply satisfied with prevailing culture.
- Others -
Notes for Development:
- Fundraising decisions are mostly top driven and may also be limited to individuals exclusively responsible for raising funds.
- Fundraising startegies and thereby choices, are best taken by- management, leadership, core group of staffs, and the fundraising professionals together. Each play vital role (for various perspectives) in taking such decisions, and thereby own these decisions.
- Develop a way of taking fundraising decisions collectively - leadership, management, fundraisers, program staffs, and the remaining core group of people. This will enable a path towards more informed and strategic choices.