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🟡 Traditionally we have been doing well with grant fundraising and have several multiyear grants and unrestricted funding arrangements as well

Fairly developed: There are a variety of funding arrangements and multiple distinctive grant partnerships.


  • ExamineIs statedit organisationprudent andfor culturea andcharity practicedlike behaviour.ours to develop multiple channels of fundraising? Why or why not so?
  • DesignIn and conduct internal surveys to develop action plan for improvement.
  • How can developmentcase of aany certainrapid culturegeo-political inshifts, a team enable better and stronger performance.
  • Is this a sensitive subject to be discussed? Is this seen as uneconomic and not as a priority?
  • No response required aswill we aface processhigh infunding placerisks togiven inspireour andcurrent regulatefunding desiredportfolio? behaviourHow withindo thewe team.mitigate such risks?
  • Others -


  • Conduct a culture assessment exercise and create an alignment pathway on findings.
  • Create better standards and processes to initially regulate and thereby inspire desired behaviour gradually.
  • No actionsaction are required as we are deeply satisfied with prevailing culture.necessary.
  • Others -

Notes for Development:

  1. There are a variety of funding arrangements and multiple distinctive grant partnerships.

  2. While there is a lack of diversity in fundraising practice, it does not impede strategic fund development. Highly advanced grant fundraising operation create multi-year partnerships consistently and also raise adequate amount of operational expenses.

  3. Consider reforming fundraising practices, to explore if it could lead to deeper linkage (of fundraising activities) with core values.