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🟢 Outcome related targets exist, have actual milestones that are consistently adopted; have clear long-term goal that is both actionable and linked to overall vision and mission
Highly developed: Very strong processes are in place for goal setting. The ambitions (targets) are sacrosanct to the fundraising function.
- No response necessary as we have both fundraising strategy and clear time bound goals.
- Others -
- No action necessary.
- Others -
Notes for Development:
- Very strong processes are in place for goal setting. The ambitions (targets) are sacrosanct to the fundraising function.
- Goals were not set to determine a fundraising income target alone. Goals are linked to greater organisational mission and delivering outcomes.
- Advanced fundraising planning process exist, which is developed in cognizance with programatic ambitions of the organisation. Fundraising choices made are logical and mission driven choices.