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🟠Technology platforms are used for both donor and financial management but the platforms require more development and automation
Under developed: Limited technology use for a few back office activities only.
Check listing of existing tech infrastructure as against need - for various functions (HR, Finance, FR, etc.)
What has impede tech growth- state of our mind or resources.
- Create an internal team to solve the problem; define scope clearly.
- Consult a specialist to quickly assess current state and develop a development plan.
Are we aware of some of the most urgent needs in this area; what can and must be met.
No response required.
- Others -
- Conduct a comprehensive technology infrastructure assessment and create budget for new needs.
CututalCultural alignment has to be made stronger for technology related adaptation.
Have highly developed and future proof technology infrastructure and no actions are required.
Consult internal functions and determine new technology needs.
Based on identified need, scout for open tools that come at a very low or no cost.
- Others -
Notes for Development:
- Limited technology use for a few back office activities only.
- Conduct tech needs assessment for further developing systems and improving processes.
- Consider reviewing existing tech systems and identify if it is apt for future fundraising operations.