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🔴 Have not formally assessed scope of fundraising in the last 5 years
Poorly developed: Did not conduct any scoping exercise in the last few years.
- No response necessary.
- Determine institutional standards and process for this exercise - who does it, how, frequency and how the findings are to be used?
- Seek support from other local organisations.
- Are we making informed fundraising operational and strategic choices?
- Others - Â
- No action required.
- Leadership to find ways of working with other charities or market forces to extract informations to start with.
- Create an internal team for fresh landscaping and incorporate the exercise as part of strategic planning exercise.
- Develop a timeframe to publish the next landscaping study.Â
- Others -
Notes for Development:
- Did not conduct any scoping exercise in the last few years.
- Scoping is not seen as a critical tool to develop fundraising strategies and plans.
- Build systems and processes for best use of scoping in delivering more contextualised fundraising services.