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🟠 We do have a website and some social media pages that are rarely improved upon and is maintained mainly for statutory or market need

Poorly developed: Very basic mediums were created to enhance visibility. Its effectiveness is not known.


  • Marketing capacity and scope assessment; identify immediate action plan.
  • Is it necessary for us at all to enhance visibility, as the sector is mostly non competitive?
  • Establish process for updating all marketing tools regularly with fresh contents and other technical optimisation.
  • Are we telling our stories effectively?
  • Collaborate with specialist service providers to increase visibility - social media handler, PR agencies, web developer, content writers, illustrators, etc.
  • What are some of the concrete and tangible steps we can take now to improve visibility.
  • Others - 


  • NoDevelop actionsa arecomprehensive necessarymarketing ascommunication we have strong visibility to attract outside interest.plan.
  • Improve our storytelling abilities - how?
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing communication plan.
  • Hire a specialist; determine JD, profile,profile etc. 
  • Others -

Notes for Development:

  1. Very basic mediums were created to enhance visibility. Its effectiveness is not known.

  2. Conduct a need assessment based on market context and funding need. Assess internal ability on storytelling.

  3. Conduct a basic internal assessment and take concrete, time-bound steps to introduce the basic mediums, that are extremely necessary.