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83 total results found

🟠 Some policies are in place to meet basic requirements that are compliance related

Policies and Guidelines

Poorly developed: Policies and guidelines are limited to mitigating risks only. They might have been developed only as a compulsion. Reflection: We may have basic requirements covered; do we have a periodic and consistent development plan f...

🟡 Fundraising guidelines and policies were developed to meet industry standards, and it reflects organisation leadership vision as well

Policies and Guidelines

Developing: Policies and guidelines are possibly limited to mitigating risks and dictate certain standards. Reflection: We may have basic requirements covered; do we have a periodic and consistent development plan for them. Not having adeq...

🟢 Fundraising guidelines and policies were developed and are practiced to meet organisational values, mission and culture

Policies and Guidelines

Highly developed: Policies and guidelines play a very important role in fundraising success. Reflection: No response necessary as we have adequate policies and guidelines at place and they are periodically reviewed. Others -  Action: ...

🔴 Have not developed any formal guidelines or policies, or may have one of them

Policies and Guidelines

High risk: Absence of formal policies and guidelines. It may also be not practiced for lack of awareness and underdeveloped process. Reflection: How can we immediately create policies and guidelines. Do we understand the risks and the upsi...

🟢 All the primary market intelligence (competitive and product intelligence, market and customer understanding) are made available through systemic intelligence gathering mechanisms

Optimisation - Market Intelligence

Highly developed: Strong systems and processes are in place to best gather accurate data and put it to optimal fundraising use. Reflection: No action required. Others - Action: No specific actions are required as we are fully satisfi...

🟠 Mainly dependent on a few key people and individual networks

Optimisation - Market Intelligence

Under developed: Market intelligence is limited to certain human connections. Reflection: We will provide more resources to Program team to build a more robust market intelligence system. Can we collaborate with other local players? Other...

🟡 We do have some online subscriptions for automated funding alert and the fundraising team is well served by it

Optimisation - Market Intelligence

Developing: Minimal mechanisms are in place to gather necessary basic data. Reflection: Have very advanced research and development unit but we may be required to invest slightly more to make the function more dynamic. Others - Action: ...

🔴 Do not have any means or mechanism to gather intelligence

Optimisation - Market Intelligence

High risk: Does not use any form of market intelligence in fundraising function. Reflection: Don't have the scope or capacity to improve our marjet intelligence gathering system. What do we do? Can we collaborate with other local players? ...

🟡 Some technology platforms (like a grant management tool- e.g. Salesforce, Fluxx etc.) are operational to manage grants and run basic financial and program implementation reports only

Optimisation - Tech

Developing: High need areas are covered only. Reflection: Are we aware of some of the most urgent needs in this area; what can and must be met? What has impede tech growth-state of our mind or resources? Others -  Action: Conduct a ...

🔴 Most fundraising functions are managed in basic MS Word applications like- MS Excel, PowerPoint etc. and no specific fundraising management software is in use

Optimisation - Tech

Poorly developed: Technology is yet to be introduced as an optimiser in fundraising function and the team operates with basic tools. Reflection: What has impede tech growth- state of our mind or resources? Check-listing of existing tech in...

🟠 Technology platforms are used for both donor and financial management but the platforms require more development and automation

Optimisation - Tech

Under developed: Limited technology use for a few back office activities only. Reflection: Create an internal team to solve the problem; define scope clearly. Consult a specialist to quickly assess current state and develop a development ...

🟢 Well-developed diversified technology platforms & tools are used to both elicit and solicit audience/prospects & develop reports, analytics etc, manage all donations & donors

Optimisation - Tech

Highly developed: Advanced technology use in fundraising operations. Reflection: No response required. Others -  Action: Have highly developed and future proof technology infrastructure and no actions are required. Others -  Not...

🟢 Fundraising staffs are held together by loyalty, mutual trust, and an unwavering commitment. Team management style is characterised by teamwork, consensus, and participation

Culture and Values

Highly developed: Fundraisers are held together by strong bonds. Professional commitment is top class. A certain kind of standard behaviour, adopted by the whole organisation together, is practiced consistently. Reflection: No response requ...

🟠 Fundraising staffs are held together by formal rules and policies and operates professionally and smoothly

Culture and Values

Under developed: Formal guidelines or rules dictate behaviour, and outcomes are satisfactory. Reflection: Design and conduct internal surveys to develop action plan for improvement. How can development of a certain culture in a team enable...

🟡 Fundraising staffs are driven by a commitment to innovation and development, and the emphasis is on being cutting edge. Team management style is characterised by hard-driving competitivenes

Culture and Values

Developing: Team is hard core professionals and are driven by material achievements mostly. What is achieved is considered more important than how it was achieved. Reflection: Examine stated organisation and culture and practiced behaviour....

🔴 Lack of clarity on organisational culture and hence not defined or evolved in fundraising function as well

Culture and Values

Poorly developed: Absence of effort for a certain kind of culture to prevail in the fundraising function. Reflection: Is this a sensitive subject to be discussed? Is this seen as uneconomic and not as a priority? How can development of a c...

🟡 Fundraising methods/channels applied are conscious choices made based on market condition (e.g. what kind of money is possible to raise)

Fund Development Strategy

Developing: Fundraising choices made are based on best case possible options, but not necessarily driven out of an overall organisational assessment. Reflection: Is there a developed fundraising plan which has considered various types of ca...

🟠 Fundraising methods applied are based on budgetary conditions and policies (limited to brand risk mitigation alone) mandated by management/board

Fund Development Strategy

Under developed: Fundraising choices made are possibly short- term decisions and have not been reviewed from time to time. Reflection: Do we have a fundraising strategy augmenting (adding a voice to) the core mission? Will it help if we de...

🔴 Fundraising methods applied are spontaneous decisions made by a few senior individuals and not necessarily driven by deep strategic thinking. The reasons for such choices are not well known

Fund Development Strategy

Poorly developed: Spontaneous choices made by a few individual and not necessarily driven by any analysis. Reflection: Is our fundraising need deeply understood and the understanding is much beyond knowledge of estimated annual expenditure?...

🟢 Fundraising methods applied are derived out of proper organisational long-term financing plan, and by ensuring that various types of available resources are tapped optimally

Fund Development Strategy

Highly developed: Advance systems and process exist for creating fundraising plans along with the rest of the organisation. Reflection: No response required. Others - Action: No actions are necessary as we have a well developed fund...